
DCM Dressmaking Workshop

Thank You! Please Check Your Email for the Links to The Workshop.

Very excited to share these next 10-days with you!

For a Limited Time, You can get extended access to the workshop!

In this workshop, we:

- Recreate a $2000 Alexander McQueen dress in standard size
- Reconstruct the same dress for a unique body shape
- Reimagine the design, and make a new high-end dress

If you have lots of free time in the next 10 days, that's great!

But if you would like to have some more time to study the workshop, and become a better dressmaker, keep reading.

For a very limited time, we're offering extended access to this workshop!

-- You can purchase to all DCM Dressmaking Workshop videos for only $27

(If you'd like some more time to study the workshop videos, this is a good option!

-- You can purchase to all DCM Dressmaking Workshop videos for only $97

If you'd like to keep access to the workshop videos for years to come, and refer back whenever you want, this is a GREAT option!

See our previous attendees' works below, and decide if this extension offer is for you!



STEP 1: Check your inbox

for your confirmation email with all the important details about the workshop! (Make sure we didn’t go to your promotions or spam folders.)

We'll email you all the links you need to watch the online workshop videos as they are released... plus some extra goodies for you in the meantime!

STEP 2: Watch Session 1!

The Dressmaking Workshop has just begun..

So grab the link in your email inbox, and watch Session 1 today!

Amazing Works of our Workshop Attendees

Can't wait to share my knowledge with you!

Neda Niquie

Dressmaking Instructor & Founder of Online Fashion Workshop

Copyright © Online Fashion Workshop. All Rights Reserved